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IPL+OPT+E-Light System-SHE-SHP002

The SHR950B combines IPL, E-light and SHR technology in one system to satisfy different treatment requirement.SHR mode gently heats the hair follicle and the clients feeling is only warmth and a tingling sensation, some clients comparing it to a warm massage.SR HR mode also utilizes In-Motion technology, where the hand piece is always in motion over the skin.


Hair Removal/Skin Rejuvenation System

The SHR950B combines IPL, E-light and SHR technology in one system to satisfy different treatment requirement.SHR mode gently heats the hair follicle and the clients feeling is only warmth and a tingling sensation, some clients comparing it to a warm massage.SR HR mode also utilizes In-Motion technology, where the hand piece is always in motion over the skin.


Combine SHR IPL E-light
in one machine

UK Imported Lamps Energy
More Stable

One Million Shots

Hair Removal,
skin rejuvenation,aslo with rf

Treatment Principle

SHR-950B is a revolutionary technology for IPL Hair removal treatment. The traditional IPL treat your skin with high amounts of Joules (energy), SHR-690 shots multiple shots but at low amounts of Joules.

SHR mode gently heats the hair follicles. Clients feel only warmth and a slight tingling sensation, some even comparing it to a light massage.

The system also utilizes In-Motion technology, where the hand piece is always in motion over the skin.


Lasting Hair Removal / Skin Rejuvenation / Pigmentation Removal / Acne Clearance / Skin Whitening / Vein Removal



The machine comes with two different headgears - HR headgear for hair removal and SR headgear for skin rejuvenation.


The HR head piece has a large spot size of 15*50mm, which can realize efficient and fast hair removal treatment. With a wavelength range of 650-950nm, it targets melanin in hair follicles, effectively destroying them and inhibiting hair regrowth.


The SR Headgear is specially designed for skin regeneration treatments. It has a slightly smaller spot size of 10*40mm for more precise and targeted application.


Wavelength options for the SR helmet include SR: 560-950nm, VR: 420-950nm, PR: 530-950nm and AR: 500-950nm. These different wavelength options address specific skin concerns such as hyperpigmentation, vascular lesions and acne.



IPL+SHR+E-Light 3 in one system


HR: 650-950nmSR: 560-950nm ( Optional: VR 420-950nm PR: 530-950nm AR:500- 950nm )


IPL&E-light: 10-50J/c㎡ SHR: 1-10J/c㎡


IPL&E-light:≤0.5HZ SHR: 1-8HZ SHR&SSR:1-2HZ

Input Power


Power source



pure sapphire imported lamp

Spot Size

10*40mm for(SR,VR,AR,PR) 15*50mm for HR

Contact cooling temperature

Max -10℃

Cooling System

Built in water cooling +semi conductor cooling +air cooling

Invasive Tips

10.4 inch true color touch screen control


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